torstai 16. huhtikuuta 2009

Yellow Fever

It's spring, allmost summer, and again like every year my head is full of yellow thoughts! To me yellow is the color of spring, and I have a need to surround myself with yellow things. This year I can't really buy anything yellow 'cause the big plumming project is coming up, so I decided to put all my yellow energy to planning my new home!

The pic with the yellow wall bathroom is great! I don't like the wallpaper that is next to the door, but for some reason that black&yellow combo works really well with the old bathtub..droool. Someday I'll have a bathtub like that(when I have a big enough bathroom first).

Maybe I should paint my doors yellow! My cupboard doors are allmost excatly like those in the pic, it could look really good, and it's easy to paint over them when I get bored to the colour, something to think about at least. They don't even need to be yellow, just some colour I feel like painting them when the time comes. Oh goody, I like that idea! Pics of my home coming up soon.

3 kommenttia:

Success kirjoitti...

Ekan kuvan keltanen on hyvän keltanen, tarpeeks syvä ja tumma! Mut toi keltanen taulu on musta liikaa, peili tms. kirkkaampi jutska ois tossa kivempi.

Amme on ihana! ♥

Success kirjoitti...

Pitää vielä laittaa tää tänne ku äsken AT:tä selaillessa pisti silmään. Aika ihana toi lattia!

Annik kirjoitti...

oooo keltanen lattia!
Mut mä katoin siitä ylemmästä kuvasta et se ON peili, mut ei se sit näköjään ollutkaan :D