maanantai 28. syyskuuta 2009


I'm having trouble sleeping, so I'll do this now. I got this "You are an awesome girl"-award from S.
Thank you, the day I saw this was a shitty one, so you made my day then!

This award means that I need to tell 10 interesting, or pointless things about myself. Let's see if I can come up with any. Here we go...

1. I just loooove to do Donal Duck jumps( the ones when you jump in the air and clap your feet together while in the air) I get this powerfull urge to do it few times a day...and usually I jump no matter where I am.

2. I talk to myself aloud while cooking.

3. I hate the way I walk.

4. I could spend a day at an airport easily. I'd just sit there and watch all the people coming and going. To me an airport is no-mans-land; place to be when you wan't to be a nobody. That's why I usually go there as early as possible before my flights departure time. And if I have the time I spend some time at the arrivals gate, watching the happy people meeting eachother at the gate.

5. I'm jealous to people who know what they wan't. Because I usually dont'...I'm just guessing all the time.

6. I use deadlines in my life. I had around ten of those untill I turned 24, so time is up for some of them now. I've made up around 5 new ones(so far)...they need to be done 'till I'm 30.

7. I'm really badly addicted to Battery energy drink. I get a Battery headackhe if I don't drink at least one of those everyday.

8. SHINY THINGS! Shine shine shine, glitter, gold,silver...if I didn't fear the fact that I'd get bored soon, I'd cover my home with shiny things.

9. From any hobbies that I can think of, my favourite one would be dancing...I suck at learning coreographies so I can't do it. I dance bymyself then!

10. I've promised myself a liposuction when I'm 30. Hopefully I won't need it. :D

I'll pass this award on to Kiiki. She's going through a rough time, so I wan't to cheer her up. No need to feel sad 'cause you are an awesome girl! We'll be seeing in October and have a blast...right?

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